
The reason is that telegram decided to do a big purge so pretty much all channels and groups that hosted candid videos ( all kinds) and also adult related content have been wiped and all channels + admins disabled. When actual users are trying to access the channels or groups these appears disabled and all users banned from access.

At this point i am seriously having second thoughts on rebuilding again my telegram channels and private group as now, nothing is sure with the Telegram new rules that are against any type of nudity ( even bikini content). Creating again a channel then a private group, editing content, advertising it, then having people sign up for a premium group just so that in a month or maybe less Telegram disables that….it’s not a good option for me and also for members.

For now i decided to migrate all the content on my existing website (Uhqvipclub.com) which is a online web version for the VipClub Candids and BikiniPro Telegram channels.

Users that purchased a membership for the BikiniPro Telegram premium group will can receive access to the web based version of Uhqvipclub for a small extra fee ( for maintenance purposes)

New users will be charged with the full membership price.

More details about it will be posted on the Uhqvipclub.com